I provide academic language- and copy-editing for these excellent people. Other clients include: Institut für Europäische Politik, Deutsche Welle Akademie, Center for Policy Studies at the Central European University.
Angéla Kóczé and Huub van Baar (eds), The Roma and their Struggle for Identity in Contemporary Europe (Berghahn)
Tegiye Birey, Céline Cantat, Ewa Maczynske and Eda Sevinin (eds), Challenging the Political Across Borders: Migrants’ and Solidarity Struggles (CEU Center for Policy Studies)
Angéla Kóczé, Violetta Zentai, Jelena Jovanović and Enikő Vincze (eds), The Romani Women’s Movement: Struggles and Debates in Central and Eastern Europe (Routledge)
Andrea Krizsán and Conny Roggeband, The Gender Politics of Domestic Violence: Feminists Engaging the State in Central and Eastern Europe (Routledge)
Natasha Wunsch, EU Enlargement and Civil Society in the Western Balkans: From Mobilisation to Empowerment (Palgrave Macmillan)
András Kovács (ed.), Communism’s Jewish Questions: Jewish Issues in Communist Archives (De Gruyter)
Web editor, Open Society Archives, Budapest
Header photo above is an advertisement for typewriter repairs at Visegrádi Street in Budapest, taken in 1989. Donated to Fortepan by tm. Source