author ‘“Do Friends come to visit with tanks?” – Reactions to the 1968 Invasion of Czechoslovakia, 55 Years Later‘ in English at the OSA blog
and in Hungarian at 444.hu:
„Jönnek barátok tankkal látogatóba?” – Nemzetközi reakciók Csehszlovákia 1968-as megszállására‘
author ‘Forced Labour 1940: An online exhibition,’ Visual History Online-Nachschlagewerk für die historische Bildforschung, ZZF Potsdam
translator poems and essays in A Wonderful Story? An Avant-Garde Artist Couple: Erzsi Újvári and Sándor Barta, eds. Sára Bagdi, Gábor Dobó and Merse Pál Szeredi (Budapest: Kassák Museum)
translator essays in On the Road 1909: Kassák, Szittya, Long Poems, Short Revolutions, eds. Edit Sasvári and Merse Pál Szeredi (Budapest: Kassák Museum)
author ‘Nicht vor dem Kind! Testimonies on the Yellow-Star Houses of Budapest,’ in Antony Polonsky, Howard Lupovitch and François Guesnet (eds), Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, vol. 31, Poland and Hungary: Jewish realities compared
author ‘Az antiszemita műalkotás a digitális reprodukálhatóság korában: magyar újrakiadások 1989 után, [The antisemitic work of art in the age of digital reproduction: Hungarian reprints since 1989]’ translated by Gábor Halász, Apertúra 2017 (winter)
author ‘Inertia and aggression: farewell to my adopted hometown’ and ‘Jewel in the national crown: conquering Budapest,’ Visegrad Revue
author ‘Let’s Talk About the Holocaust: Yellow-Star Houses of Budapest, 1944-2014,’ Hungarian Quarterly
co-editor François Guesnet and Gwen Jones (eds), Antisemitism in an Era of Transition: Continuities and Impact in Post-Communist Poland and Hungary (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang), author of chapter ‘The work of antisemitic art in the age of digital reproduction: Hungarian publishing revivals since 1989’
author Chicago of the Balkans: Budapest in Hungarian Literature 1900-1939 (Oxford: Legenda)

author ‘Társutasok Wales-ből‘ [Fellow Travellers from Wales], 444 (in English here)
author ‘Cécile Tormay: A Gentlewoman Fascist in the Graveyard of the Hunchbacks,’ in Rebecca Haynes and Martyn Rady (eds), In the Shadow of Hitler: Personalities of the Right in Central and Eastern Europe (London: IB: Tauris)
Header photo above of a woman in a deckchair reading A Hét [The Week] in Hungary, 1959. She looks unimpressed. I don’t blame her. Photo donated to Fortepan by Zsolt Zsanda. Source